Day 18: Docker for DevOps Engineers


In the world of containerization, Docker has become a staple tool for building, shipping, and running applications. However, one common challenge that Docker users face is managing data persistence within containers. When a Docker container is stopped or removed, any data stored within it is lost, which can be a significant issue for applications requiring persistent data storage. To address this challenge, Docker offers two primary mechanisms: Bind Mounts and Volumes. In this blog post, we'll explore these two approaches and understand their differences, use cases, and best practices.

Bind Mounts

Bind mounts allow you to mount a directory from the host machine into a container. This means that any changes made to files or directories within the container are immediately reflected on the host, and vice versa. Bind mounts offer a straightforward way to share files between the host and the container and do not require any special configuration.

Use Cases:

  • Development environments where you want changes made in the host directory to be immediately reflected in the container.

  • Accessing configuration files or scripts from the host within the container.

  • Sharing log files or other data generated by the container with the host.

How to Use:

To create a bind mount, you specify the source directory on the host and the target directory in the container when running the Docker container. For example:

docker run -v /host/directory:/container/directory image_name


Volumes are a more flexible and powerful way to manage persistent data in Docker. Unlike bind mounts, volumes are managed by Docker and stored within the Docker environment, making them portable and independent of the host filesystem. Volumes can be shared among multiple containers and offer features such as data encryption, snapshotting, and backup and restore capabilities.

Use Cases:

  • Storing application data that needs to persist across container restarts or upgrades.

  • Sharing data between multiple containers in a multi-container application.

  • Managing sensitive data securely within the Docker environment.

How to Use:

You can create a volume using the docker volume create command and then mount it to a container when running the container. For example:

docker volume create my_volume
docker run -v my_volume:/container/directory image_name


Both bind mounts and volumes provide solutions for managing data persistence in Docker containers, but they cater to different use cases and requirements. Bind mounts are suitable for simple scenarios where you need to share files between the host and the container, while volumes offer more advanced features and capabilities for managing persistent data in Docker environments. By understanding the differences between bind mounts and volumes, Docker users can choose the right approach to ensure their applications' data persistence requirements are met effectively.

Docker Network

Maximizing Container Communication: Understanding Docker Networking

When working with Docker containers, efficient communication between containers and the host system is essential for seamless operation. Docker networking provides a robust framework for facilitating this communication, enabling containers to interact with each other and the host effectively.

Default Networking Setup

By default, Docker configures a network interface called eth0 for container communication. This interface, along with the veth and docker0 components, forms the backbone of Docker's bridge networking setup. In this configuration, all containers share a common network bridge (docker0), allowing them to communicate with each other and the host system.

Host Networking vs. Bridge Networking

While Docker's default bridge networking setup facilitates communication between containers, it may not always be the most secure option. Host networking, for example, directly binds a container's network interface to the host system's network, granting both network and container access to users. While this approach simplifies communication, it poses security risks, as unauthorized access to the host system can compromise container security.

Enhancing Security with Custom Bridge Networks

To address security concerns and achieve greater isolation between containers, Docker offers the flexibility to create custom bridge networks. These networks enable the logical segmentation of container traffic, allowing containers to operate within distinct communication pathways. By leveraging custom bridge networks, Docker users can strengthen container security and mitigate the risks associated with shared networking environments.

Practical Implementation

In a practical scenario, consider two containers: a front-end container (c1) and a back-end container (c2). Both containers need to communicate with the host system (Host). Additionally, c1 requires access to c2 for seamless integration.

login    finance 
------   -----
|c1  |  | c2 |
------  ------
| Docker|


By utilizing Docker's custom bridge networking feature, containers c1 and c2 can be logically isolated, ensuring secure communication pathways while maintaining connectivity with the host system.


In conclusion, Docker networking plays a pivotal role in enabling efficient communication between containers and the host system. By understanding and leveraging Docker's networking capabilities, users can optimize containerized environments for enhanced security, performance, and scalability.
